About the Journal

Bali Tourism Journal is a new innovative travel advisor that combines a simple newspaper and magazine with a complexity of Educational and Scientific Academic Journals.

All the contents here are well written by a reporter, journalist, academician, post-degree student, and some lecturers.  All contents are also reviewed and edited by professional editors that also major in the specific topic of each range.

Our stories are genuine, and our professional photographer and correspondent personally gained all our photos. This is not an advertisement; this is a scientific-based and educational mixed magazine journal about Bali. The true Bali.

Publication Frequency

Bali Tourism Journal is published three times per year: April, August, and December (month) 



Open Journal Systems (commonly known as OJS) is a journal management and publishing system that the Public Knowledge Project has developed through its federally funded efforts to expand and improve access to research. Public Knowledge Project is a multi-university initiative developing (free) open-source software and researching to improve the quality and reach of scholarly publishing. This journal acknowledges the creativity and efforts of the Public Knowledge Project team in developing and continuously upgrading OJS. Please visit the Public Knowledge Project Official Website to learn more and to support the initiatives of the Public Knowledge Project.


Aims & Scope

Bali Tourism Journal is an openly accessible, peer-reviewed journal aiming to communicate high-quality research articles, reviews, and general articles in the field. Bali Tourism Journal welcomes contributions that promote the exchange of ideas and rational discourse between journalists, practicing educators and researchers worldwide. Specific topics of interest include all aspects that occur in the field of tourism or culture, such as discovery, relationships, tensions, representations, conflicts and impacts on society. Articles should be written in clear, concise English following the recommendations for scientific writing. Only material that has not been published previously (either in print or electronically) and is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, except an abstract published in conference proceedings, will be considered for publication. Initial presentation of data (i.e., at a scientific meeting) does not preclude publication in Bali Tourism Journal. All submissions to the journal will be scanned for possible duplicate or prior publication using the Turnitin plagiarism detection system. Authors who submit previously published work to the journal will be banned from submitting future manuscripts, and their funding body and institution will be notified. Please note that this journal only publishes manuscripts in English.


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Screening for Plagiarism Policy

Bali Tourism Journal has a policy of screening for plagiarism. We use Anti-Plagiarism Software "Turnitin" to check the authenticity article.


Deposit Policy Directory

Sherpa/Romeo http://www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/search.php?issn=2089-1180&la=en


Archiving Policy

For this journal on digital archiving policy to Portal Garuda, click here.


All authors are Free to Submit. Free to Publish only for eligible authors with High H-Index & citations, No Grant and Funding from any Institution, University, Organisation, and Government (Proven by a letter from the Head Department, Dean, or Rector).

Authors ineligible for waiver and free publishing will be charged an APC of IDR 500.000. However, if the authors provide a video abstract regarding their findings on the article, the APC of the accepted manuscript will be waivered to IDR 200.000.

Our review process may up to 16 Weeks.